I Matter Because ...
Art Work by Anaheim Elementary School District Students from the PTA's Reflections Art Contest
The National PTA's Reflections program has been inspiring student artists for over 50 years. Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. The theme for the 2020-2021 program year was I Matter Because.... Students were encouraged to reflect on the theme by exploring their own thoughts, feelings and ideas. Each entry is accompanied by an artist statement, in which the student explains his/her feelings or thoughts about the art. Students were invited to submit art in the following categories: Visual Arts, Literature, Film Production, Dance Choreography, Music Composition, and Photography. Muzeo is proud to feature art works from students in grades Kindergarten to 6 in the categories of Visual Arts, Literature, and Photography.
2020 Award Winners
TK to Grade 2 - Visual Arts
1st Place Winner
Zoey, Grade 1, Patrick Henry Elementary

"Yo soy importante." Porque tengo familia que me quiere y protege. Tengo sueños que realizar, curiosidades pro explorar. Puedo ser alguien mejor para cambiar el mundo. Soy importante porque soy una niña y puiero seguir soñando para que mis sueños se hagan realidad.
2nd Place Winner
Emma, Grade 2, James Guinn Elementary

I matter because I take care of the planet by recycling and that helps save animals.
TK to Grade 2 - Literature
1st Place Winner
Kalani, Grade 1, Stoddard Elementary
I matter to my family. I matter to my dog. I matter to my elderly grandma. I matter to my pets. I matter because I'm a child of God.
Grades 3 to 5 - Visual Arts
1st Place Winner
Itzia, Grade 5, Roosevelt Elementary

"Itzia and the Many Trees." I made one tree with lights surrounded by many other regular trees because it is supposed to represent me and how unique I am compared to other people. I feel that people show their own unique ways through art, photography, or social media. This can encourage people to be themselves. I had so much fun making this. This is my first time ever doing a P.T.A Reflection.
2nd Place Winner
Zoe, Grade 4, Orange Grove Elementary

"Kindness Matters." When you look into a mirror, do you deeply look into your character? Our character is defined by our actions. In my mirror I am a person that shows kindness to other people. I matter because I can use kindness to help others and be contagious so others can show acts of kindness too. Showing kindness is important because the world will be a happier place.
Grades 3 to 5 - Literature
1st Place Winner
Eduarulises, Grade 5, Betsy Ross Elementary
I matter because I am a friend like everyone else. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. The important thing is that we have family and friends to help us along the way. We all matter! We matter because we have each other as friends to help us, encourage us, and help us when we most need it. Even though you feel lonely, at least one of your friends remembers you.
These days, it's harder to feel like your friend is with you, but if you imagine and remember all your memories with your friend, you’ll be happy no matter what. If one of your buddies passed away, I'm so sorry for you but we have to move on. You will always remember your friends even if you don’t feel like they’re with you, they will always be in your heart. We all matter because we all are friends to each other no matter how people look on the outside. Be kind to everyone if you want to be treated the same way. Remember, your friends are always with you and try to make you happy. We all matter, in different ways.
2nd Place Winner
Violet, Grade 5, Lincoln Elementary
I matter because I try to make a difference in others' lives. I matter because I can change the way people learn things in a good way. I help my friends help themselves. I brighten up people's days. All that matters to me is that everyone can be happy and make good decisions, including myself. I matter because I am me.
Grade 6 - Visual Arts
1st Place Winner
Jaiden, Grade 6, Benjamin Franklin

"The Inspired Tigers." I matter because I have goals and dreams. A goal that I have is to become a well-known artist. Art to me feels like a treat or a certain amount of joy that I can share to the world. I'm always inspired by historical figures as well. The tiger in the drawing represents the independent, fierce, hard-working person that I am.
2nd Place Winner
Kiane, Grade 6, Stoddard Elementary

"Kindness Matters." When you look into a mirror, do you deeply look into your character? Our character is defined by our actions. In my mirror I am a person that shows kindness to other people. I matter because I can use kindness to help others and be contagious so others can show acts of kindness too. Showing kindness is important because the world will be a happier place.
Grade 6 - Literature
1st Place Winner
Samantha, Grade 6, Patrick Henry Elementary
Have you ever wondered why you matter? You’re Probably thinking, “Oh I matter because I’m a human and humans matter, Man this writing is going to be BORING!” Oh no no never underestimate me. Plus there's more reasons why we matter, And you haven't even read the whole thing and are still judging. I would like to thank the people who AREN’T judging! Anyways let's get more serious here please.
First let's start off saying how many people get judged for being different, for example: Having different skin color, speaking a different language, who they are, who or what they love. looking different and doing stuff different. Those are examples of how people get judged because they’re different. There are MANY people that get judged not even Siri or google know. Have you ever got judged or have you seen someone get judged? Guess what? MY MOMMA got judged for being different.
You know sometimes different can be good and bad. Different can be good, Because if we look the same, act the same and dress the same how would people know we’re cool? (Trolls World Tour 1:11:14) And different can be bad because you get treated badly because you’re not like them. Overall, different is different. It can change.
Let's get to the real question: why do I/you matter? You matter because you've been given a chance to be on planet earth, You’ve been given a chance to live life and You’ve been given a chance to see how the real world works. “Even when life doesn't always give you what you hoped for, But the true gift is life itself”-Master fu (Miraculous Ladybug Miracle Queen) Yes I note down quotes from Tv shows or movies, but that's beside the point. YOU MATTER BECAUSE THEY HAVE GIVEN YOU A GIFT TO LIVE DON’T MESS IT UP!
In conclusion, I matter because I’m exactly the same as you, I've also been given a chance to live life and i'm really grateful. If you ever feel like you don’t matter, Think of who loves you who cares about you. They would give you infinite reasons why you matter. Next time they ask you why you matter tell them “I matter because I'm a special person and no one is like me.” Now do you think this writing is boring? Think again.
2nd Place Winner
Andres, Grade 6, Patrick Henry Elementary
I matter because I like to help other people when they need help. One person that I help every day is my mom. I help her by taking care of my grandma and my grandpa while she cooks. I also help my dad. Since my dad works in a restaurant he makes food orders for the restaurant. I help him get into his tablet so he can do the order. I also like to donate clothes for the people that need them more than I do.
Grade 6 - Photography
1st Place Winner
Kenley, Grade 6, Lincoln Elementary

I was inspired to take this photograph because to my dog I matter more than anything in the world. I matter to him because three years ago I saved his life. Domino is my rescue dog. We will always depend on each other for love, loyalty, & cuddles.
2020 Special Recognition
TK to Grade 2 - Visual Arts

Grace, Grade 2, Stoddard Elementary. I matter because I can help others. I love my family. My family loves me. I am kind to others. I'm unique.

Elias, Kinder, Sunkist Elementary. I matter because I want to take care of all the animals.

Rosa, Grade 2, Clara Barton Elementary. I matter because I can show everyone how I am strong.

Rhys, Kinder, Horace Mann Elementary. The title of this piece is "Paleontologist Dinosaur World." When I grow up, I want to be a Paleontologist to find dinosaur bones. I matter because it is important to find dinosaur bones to study them. Science matters.

Tyler, Grade 1, James Madison Elementary. I matter because I like to read and learn.

Evelyn, Kinder, Jefferson Elementary. I matter because I take care of the Earth. The Earth is important so we can live. All of us living on the Earth need the Earth so we need to take care of it. I take care of the Earth by growing plants, recycling, and keeping the beaches and forests clean. My favorite things about the Earth are all the different plants and animals and that we can grow food on it. My work is a drawing of a happy Earth surrounded by some of my favorite things about the Earth. I take care of the Earth and the Earth takes care of me.

Faith, T-K, Stoddard Elementary School. I matter because I love my family. My family loves me. I love animals. I wanna help others. I matter because my family loves me.

Julian, Grade 1, Guinn Elementary. The title of this piece is "Kind World." I matter because the world needs more kind hearts to get along.
2020 Special Recognition
Grades 3 to 5 - Visual Arts

Jayden, Grade 3, Lincoln Elementary. When I made this,I had another one but it was not nice so I made another one which was the one for the Reflections Contest.

Wrenee, Grade 3, Anaheim Elementary Online Academy. I matter because I can make people happy. I believe I can make poeple happy by saying hello, giving them hugs, helping them, do good things for them, and of course smile. When I do these things, I feel good and happy too.

Hannah, Grade 3, Adelaide Price Elementary. "The Chosen One." I believe that I'm created to spread the love of God all over the world. I love to sing and enjoy talking a lot! The microphones and bibles stand for all the places I want to spread His truth, with my singing and my teaching.

Alani, Grade 5, Ross Elementary. I matter because I can help keep our planet clean. I can help by recycling bottles and cans. I even use metal straws so we can save the turtles and other sea creatures. We can all do our part to keep the Earth clean and healthy. I matter because I help our planet!

Anthony, Grade 5, Ross Elementary. I matter because I help my family and other relatives.

Miranda, Grade 3, Sunkist Elementary. This is to represent how much I matter. The heart is my family and I love them. I matter because I am loving, helpful, and creative. What I mean by loving is I give hugs. What I mean by helpful is that I help make my mom and dad’s bed sometime. I will wash dishes. What I mean by creative is that when I make something I don’t need a video. I just need to try my best and work hard. I matter I have a big dream like to become an astronaut.

Renamaria, Grade 4, Horace Mann Elementary. "Life of Peace." This is the reason why I made life peace. What I made life peace is because this picture is a peaceful day in a jungle and a little family that's why I made this picture.

Evan, Grade 4, James Madison Elementary. "Growth Mindset." I matter because I love to learn and want to help other people do the same.

Alondra, Grade 3, Sunkist Elementary. i drew this to represent me for what i mean in my family.

Marcy, Grade 5, Patrick Henry Elementary. "I matter ..." My sketch was about never giving up when you have big dreams ahead of you. My dreams are about helping others, taking care of our planet, and achieving my goals by not giving up. I did this drawing to give people advice so they can achieve their goals too because people think it's hard to achieve those goals so I give this message to everyone "never give up."

Jade, Grade 4, Benito Juárez Elementary. "A Unique Cupcake." It doesn't matter what other people think - I matter because I'm me.

Jesus, Grade 3, Betsy Ross Elementary. "I matter because my two big sisters look up to me and because I am kind.

Ysabella, Grade 3, Betsy Ross Elementary. I matter because I love my family and they love me. I matter because I care about my firends. I matter because I care about the animal shelter.

Alice, Grade 4, James Guinn Elementary. This piece of art means how I matter to everyone around me and the community.

Alexandra, Grade 5, Paul Revere Elementary. I matter because I have big dreams and my family loves me. My dream is to make my country a better place by making it equal for the people. My family loves me very much because they have always been there for me when I needed it the most. Also my little sister looks up to me in almost everything.

Sarah, Grade 5, Patrick Henry Elementary. My art is called Moonchild mostly describing someone who loves the moon. My ideas come from inspiration.

Jayleen, Grade 4, Patrick Henry Elementary. "I matter because I am very careful with the earth." I try to recycle and I pick up trash. I don’t like it when people litter. My friend once littered and I got mad because people that litter are ruining our earth! Jayleen Vega will one day make earth a nice and clean place!

Aaron, Grade 5, Stoddard Elementary. "I matter to scientific discoveries." Scientific discoveries are key, they change the way we live today.

Itzel, Grade 5, Stoddard Elementary. "I matter to plants." I matter to plants because they produce oxygen and carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere reduces the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Yareily, Grade 5, Stoddard Elementary. "My Matters Art." I Matter because I have dogs and I take care of them I also have my siblings to take care of. I also take care of my health and safety. I also love to do art.

Paloma, Grade 5, Sunkist Elementary. "We Matter Because We Are Different." We matter because all of us are different with our personalities, skin color, how we look, and many more things.

Ansh, Grade 4, Orange Grove Elementary. Doctor saving earth from coronavirus. Doctor holding world to save human fighting against coronavirus.

Izzy, Grade 5, Patrick Henry Elementary. I put a paw mark because I care about animals. I put art because I love painting and drawing. I put music notes to represent that I love music. And finally I put buildings to represent that i am part of a community.

America, Grade 4, Horace Mann Elementary. "I Matter." I matter because I love that I am creative and special.
Grades 3 to 5 - Literature
Katherine, Grade 5, Adelaide Price Elementary.
Hello my name is Katherine. I matter because I am unique and kind. My family members are nice and loving. My mom and dad are the best parents I ever had and my brother is nice to me.
I have a sister/friend whose name is Daniela. I met her when she was a baby. She has been there for me all my life . Ashley is my friend. I met her when i was 3 years old. Ashley,Daniela and I have been together since little.
When I grow up I want to be a professional singer. thank you so much goodbye.
Calista, Grade 5, Loara Elementary.
"I Matter Because I'm Me and That's Enough"
I’m Ally and I’m really just your average 14 year old . “Morning Mom!” my sis and I yelled.
“Morning Kelly!” Kelly is my younger sister. She’s “perfect” in every way. I’m just there and I don’t really know why. My mom placed the breakfast on the table.
“Waffles!” Kelly yelled.
“Fruit.. again” I said.
“Oh stop Ally! It’s still yummy and I need more food.”
Click this link to read the entire essay.
Beheshta, Grade 3, Betsy Ross Elementary.
"I matter because i can be a doctor and help kids"
I matter because i can be a doctor and help kids. I matter because i can make my school a good place. I matter because i can make my country a good place. I matter because i can help my friend and help my dad and mom. I matter because i am kind and my county. I matter because my mom and dad love me and i can make my more friend. I matter because i can help my mom at work. I matter because i can tell my friend and me to my a new world. i matter because i can plant trees and care for it. i matter because i care for my country. I matter because my school need to make good days.
Mia, Grade 5, Revere Elementary
"I matter because when I grow up I'm going to be a Veterian."
I'm going to start a company for saving animals. I’ll help by recovering the ill or hurt animals and setting them free. I’ll rescue dogs/cats from the streets and making sure they are ok and finding them a home. I will save animals like tigers or maybe wolfs!! All animals have feelings and deserve freedom and love and someday I’ll help animals finding that someday. Thank you for reading this.
2020 Special Recognition
Grade 6 - Visual Arts

Zachary, Grade 6, James Madison Elementary. "Geometry." I matter because I see and draw shapes in a unique way.

Eduardo, Grade 6, Orange Grove Elementary. I want to be an engineer when I grow up, I want to come up with innovative inventions for the world. Why? I want to help other people and help them have a better life. I have many ideas now, and I will have many more.

Aritzel, Grade 6, Gauer Elementary. "I respect wildlife." I matter because I Respect Animals. Many Animals need respect because they have feelings too. Every Animal has their own personal Bubble. Animals can have a temperature which means they get angry sometimes. So next time you see a Animal in its home sleeping, do not wake it up. Another way to show respect is to not touch Animals because they might seem nice and cuddly but some Animals might have little bugs in their fur or the Animal might attack. Lastly to show respect to Animals is to not take something away from them, like their babies.

Isac, Grade 6, Sunkist Elementary. I matter because I love my brother, Noel, and we play together. I help my brother with reading and homework. I matter because I love spending time with my Mom, Dad, brother and sister. I enjoy going out to eat at restaurants with my family. I matter because I love my sister, Saray, who shares her phone and computer with me. I matter because my family and I have fun.

Kevin, Grade 6, Jefferson Elementary. "I have huge thoughts." I matter because I have huge thoughts about helping our community and myself to. I drew this big heart in my art to represent all the things I love. I drew a soccer field because it represents that I like soccer. I also drew a pizza because my favorite thing to eat is pepperoni pizza. I also drew a big M that represents math because I love math and that's also my favorite subject in school. Another thing I drew was a nintendo switch because I love video games such as fortnite, and rocket league. All these things that I wrote about are my favorite things to do when I am not in school.

Nicole, Grade 6, Jefferson Elementary. "I Love the Nature." I Matter because I Love nature and beauty. And All because there’s nothing more than an amazing sunset. I draw the palm trees because it reminds me of spring and summer. I believe in the waves that the ocean refuses to stop wiping tears away. I thought about my good qualities and my greatest accomplishment. I have a dream to become a special person to others which is unique about me and others. I draw the sun because it reminds me of the Earth’s Atmosphere. And Also a beach is not a place, But it is a feeling.