Gallery Talk feat. D Hill

On February 27, MUZEO premiered a new work by multi-disciplinary artist, D. Hill, Remove the Noose by All Means Necessary. The performance is Hill’s reinterpretation of Malcolm X’s 1964 speech motto “freedom for the people by all means necessary.” Hill positions himself as a symbol of the unjust and seeks to remove the noose, bringing hope for equality. A display in the form of a series of 24 stills from the performance is included in the exhibition “For All The World To See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights,” currently on view in MUZEO’s Main Gallery.
This event is a live and livestream (Instagram Live) talk with artist D Hill in the gallery. The event is free, but we ask that you reserve a ticket at the link below. It starts at 10:00am, before the museum is open to the general public, and includes admission.
About the Artist
D. Hill is an interdisciplinary artist and educator whose work surveys identity through a cultural and gender lens. He works within photography, video and performance art mediums. He has exhibited at venues across Southern California and the nation.
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